The lifts
All lifters will have three attempts to lift one maximal rep for each of the following lifts, in the listed order:
Back Squat
- Bench Press
- Deadlift
The sum of the heaviest successful attempts will constitute each lifter’s Total. For each weight class, a first, second and third place will be awarded to the highest Totals. In the event of a tie, the woman with the lower bodyweight will win. Competitors must make at least one successful attempt in each lift in order to have a Total and be considered for a winning place.
All ages are welcome.
Weight classes
123lbs and under
132lbs and under
148lbs and under
165lbs and under
Over 165lbs
Times are approximate and subject to change
Lifters will be divided into two sessions:
- Session A: This session begins at 9:00am and consists of 123, 132 and 148 weight classes. Weigh-in begins promptly at 7:00am.
- Session B: This session begins at 2:30pm and will consist of 165, 165+ weight classes. Weigh-in begins at 12:30pm.
Weigh-in will take place 120 minutes before each session. During weigh-in, each lifter will be weighed in by a staff member (she may elect to wear lifting clothes or just bra/underwear). She will then give her weight, preferred rack, and confirm opening attempts to staff.
It is the lifter’s responsibility to warm up properly for each lift. Warm-up for one flight typically takes place while the other flight is competing, with the exception of the first flight for Squat, which will warm-up prior to the beginning of the meet. Each lifter is allowed one coach/supporter in the warm-up area.
Lifters will be divided into flights of approximately 15 women. The order for each flight will be based on declared opening attempts. We will proceed through each lifter’s first attempt in a flight before moving onto second attempts. A flight will complete three attempts in this round robin fashion before moving onto the next flight. All attempts will be made for the Squat before moving to the Bench Press, and for the Bench Press before moving to the Deadlift.
Lifting order
The rule of the ascending bar will determine flights and lifting order within flights: the lightest first attempt will be loaded first, and the heaviest last. The bar will be de-loaded to the lightest second attempt, moving through to the heaviest. The same for third attempts. Lifters should pay careful attention to any changes in order for each attempt.
Revising your openers
Revised openers for Bench Press may be given no later than the start of the Squat, and for Deadlift no later than the start of the Bench Press.
Time to complete lift
Once the bar is loaded, the lifter will have one minute to complete her lift.
submitting weights
After the first attempt is completed, the lifter immediately will submit the weight for her next attempt to the scoring table. In the case of a missed lift, the lifter may attempt the same weight again, or more, but she may not attempt a lighter weight. If, for any reason, a lifter wishes to pass on an attempt, she should inform the scoring table and meet director in advance of her turn.
There is a minimum increment change of 5lbs for Squat and Deadlift, and 2.5lbs for Bench Press.
Break between lifts
There will be a short break between Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift to rearrange the platforms.
Rules of competition
This is a classic raw meet with limited use of equipment. The only accepted items are: weight belt no more than 4” wide; rubber knee sleeves (not wraps); wrist wraps. Use of chalk is acceptable, as well as baby powder on the thighs during deadlift.
All lifters must wear clothing that does not obscure the hip, knee and elbow joints. A fitted t-shirt and fitted pants/shorts are acceptable. Lifters may also wear a singlet. Shoes/deadlift slippers must be worn for all lifts. Knee socks or long pants must be worn for the deadlift.
For the squat and bench press, each lifter will have 2 to 3 spotters.
Should the lifter fail, the judge will call for a spot – spotters will grab the weight and with the lifter, return the bar to the rack. Lifters should not bail the bar, nor should they try to leave the bar once the spotters have taken hold of it.
NOTE: Bailing of the bar will result in immediate disqualification.
Rules of performance
Back Squat
There are 2 commands:
- Once the bar is loaded, the lifter will have one minute to attempt her weight. She will come onto the platform, unrack the bar and establish a start position.
- She must wait for the judge to use the command "Squat" before she begins.
- After she completes the squat, she must wait for the judge to use the command "Rack" before putting the bar back. If the lifter does not wait for either command, the lift will not count.
Judges will be looking for:
- Start position: straight hips and knees, feet set.
- Hip crease to be below top of the knee at the bottom of the squat.
- No movement of the feet in between commands of “Squat” and “Rack”.
- No downward motion of the bar once the lifter ascends from the bottom of the squat. While it is permissible to stick out of the bottom of the squat, if the bar travels downward for any reason, it will be considered a missed lift.
Bench press
There are 3 commands:
- Once the bar is loaded, the lifter will have one minute to attempt her weight. She will come onto the platform, lay down on the bench and unrack the bar. She may accept a handoff from a spotter if she wishes.
- Once the bar is settled into a still position above the chest, the lifter must wait for the "Start" command from the judge.
- She will then lower the bar to touch her chest, at which point she will wait for the "Press" command from the judge.
- Once the lifter hears Press, she will press the bar off her chest to a locked out position. She will then wait for the "Rack" command before returning the bar to the rack.
- If the lifter does not wait for one of the commands, the lift will not count.
Judges will be looking for:
- The entire foot to remain in contact with the floor, and butt, shoulders and head to remain in contact with the bench for the duration of the lift.
- Bar should touch the chest roughly at or just below the bra line. Solid contact must be established before the Judge calls Press.
- No downward motion of the bar once it is pressed off the chest.
- Simultaneous lockout of the elbows at the finish.
There is 1 command:
- Once the bar is loaded, the lifter will have one minute to attempt her weight. She will come onto the platform, set up and pull the bar off the floor.
- Once she has come to full lockout at the top, she must wait for the "Down" command before bringing the bar to the ground.
- She must keep her hands on the bar during the descent.
- If she does not wait for the Down command, or drops the bar for any reason, the lift will not count.
Judges will be looking for:
- Once the bar leaves the ground, there can be no downward movement.
- While the bar speed may slow down or stick, the bar may not rest on the legs at any time.
- Hips and knees must be fully extended at the finish, and shoulders should be in line with or just behind the bar.
- Hands must remain on the bar when it is returned to the ground: no dropping.
- Three judges shall serve the competition platform. The head judge is seated directly in front of the lifter, and the two side judges sit on either side of the lifter at the point of best vantage. They shall be competent and qualified to serve in this capacity as determined by meet director.
- Their duties include, but may not necessarily be limited to, ensuring that all the technical rules of competition are followed, that the bar is loaded correctly, and that each attempt is judged with full attention.
- The judges indicate their decisions through the use of paddles or flags, white indicating a good attempt, red indicating a bad attempt. Any two judges in agreement constitute the decision. The athlete or coach may inquire regarding the reason for a judge’s decision at the discretion of that particular judge only after leaving the platform area, and only at a time when it does not interfere with the execution of the judge’s duties.
- At any point during the time the lifter is on the platform, if any judge sees any infraction of rules with respect to equipment, conduct, or safety, that judge can stop the clock and the competition with a raised hand until the situation is rectified to the satisfaction of all the judges, at which time the clock is restarted.
- At any time during the execution of a lift, if a side judge observes a serious infraction of the rules that constitutes a missed attempt, the judge can raise a hand indicating the observation. If either of the other two judges agrees, the head judge signals the end of the attempt with a “Rack” or “Down” command.
- The judges must make every effort to render their decisions simultaneously, and to avoid at all costs influencing the decisions of the other judges through eye contact or discussion with each other between the time the attempt is concluded and the decision is rendered.
- Judges may be replaced at the discretion of the meet director if it is determined to be in the best interests of the competition.